Creating my castle in 3DS max was more difficult then I previously thought it would be. This would be down to the general interface and lots of different tools to use.
A particularly useful tool I found to use was the Boolean tool, this made it easier for myself to make holes in the object by using another object if it were. At first I found the tool just about completely useless as the operand B tended to be either not the right size or too small to make a hole! After a lot of practice and I mean a lot it became useful to create hollow boxes and or walls for a house in particular and became my most used tool in the creation of my castle.
The other tool which is undoubtedly the most useful thing in 3DS max was the auto grid function this allows you to create a object on top of another object without it falling or passing through the other.
A tool I cant seem to figure out how to use is making more segments for my polygon.
I would like to know if there is anyway to make the castle effect walls without making lots of polygons!